Stay-at-home, work-at-home; widespread COVID testing

Aloha Neighbor,

With Oahu’s surge over the past several weeks, the Mayor is taking more aggressive steps to test more extensively than ever before and wants us back to sheltering in place. It’s serious. In Tuesday’s news conference, he was joined by US Surgeon General Jerome Adams and state officials to announce the two-pronged plan to fight COVID on Oahu: a stay-at-home, work-at-home order will take effect Thursday; and free, widespread testing will begin Wednesday and continue for at least 12 days.

Oahu will be put under another stay-at-home, work-at-home order starting 12:01 a.m. Thursday for two weeks.  The order is similar to the March order, with only “essential” workers and businesses allowed to operate.  Businesses not considered essential include retailers, personal services (like salons and barber shops), gyms, and restaurants (which will have to revert to takeout only). Beaches, parks, trails, and other public spaces will continue to remain closed.  If you violate the order, you can face up to $5,000 in fines, jail, or both.

Mayor Caldwell announced that testing will be dramatically ramped up during the shutdown, with up to 60,000 tests conducted in 12 days.  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, State of Hawaii, and the City and County of Honolulu are partnering to conduct the widespread testing on Oahu. The Honolulu Fire Department will lead the effort. The “surge” testing is set to begin on Wednesday, August 26, and will run for 12 consecutive days.

Testing is free at the surge locations and is available to anyone five years and older (although anyone under 18 years old must have a parent or legal guardian present to consent to the testing), experiencing symptoms, who believe they may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19; and anyone worried about possibly having the virus.

You do not need a doctor’s referral nor do you need to be a resident of the community where the testing site is located. Results are expected to be available 3-5 days following a test.  The federal government is providing the tests and covering all associated costs. Every individual getting tested will also receive five cloth face coverings so they can protect others from COVID-19.

For our district, the closest sites and dates for testing are:

● Kalakaua District Gym Parking Lot, 720 McNeil St
Thursday, August 27: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

  ● Palolo District Park, 2007 Palolo Avenue
Friday, August 28: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

  ● Kakaako District Park, 102 Ohe St
Next week (TBD)

Testing starts Wednesday at other locations.  A full site list with upcoming dates, times, and option to register for free is available at  Testing procedures and results will be kept confidential. Results will be made available via e-mail. Surge test participants will not be subject to the fourteen-day quarantine that other test programs require.  See the City’s news release for more details.

“NO MASK, NO RIDE”: No exceptions on TheBus and TheHandi-Van
Effective Tuesday, September 1, the City will require ALL riders of  TheBus and TheHandi-Van to wear a mask or face covering over the nose and mouth when boarding and during their ride.  Passengers not wearing a mask or face covering will not be allowed to board. If you remove your face covering while on board, you may be asked to leave the vehicle.  For any questions regarding “no mask, no ride”  on TheBus, call (808) 848-5555 and press “3”. For any questions regarding “no mask, no ride” on TheHandi-Van, call (808) 456-5555 and press “3”.


  • HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC (HECO) Moratorium on Disconnections
    On Monday (8/24), the Public Utilities Commission ordered utilities to extend through Dec. 31 the moratorium on service disconnections for nonpayment. HECO is thus suspending service disconnections but urges customers needing assistance to seek utility bill assistance from government and nonprofits, and to set up a payment arrangement plan.  The company voluntarily suspended its collection efforts in March to ensure customers’ electric service would not be disrupted while many were staying home. In its order to extend the moratorium, the commission also stated that “customers should continue paying their bills to the extent possible during this time, as customers will still ultimately be responsible for paying for their service billings accrued during this suspension.”  Read the full news release here.
  • HECO Payment Arrangement Options 
    HECO is offering interest-free payment arrangements for a limited time. For all options, late fees are waived. If you would like to sign up for a payment arrangement plan, fill out their form and send to  The form is also available in additional languages here.

Small businesses can upgrade their energy-efficient equipment and immediately reduce operating costs. Businesses may apply for the HE grant, which can cover 100% of eligible expenses on pre-approved energy efficiency projects, up to $25,000. Applications for the first round of funding must be submitted by Sept. 30, 2020, at 5 P.M. HST.  Find out more information and also apply here.

Take care & stay safe!