Emergency orders, COVID committee, testing Sunday

61st Anniversary of Statehood: Admission Day, Friday, 8/21
A glorious day for Hawaii in 1959 when the long sought 50th star was approved by the U.S. Congress under the Hawaii Admission Act. This was followed by a referendum; 94% of Hawaii’s residents voted to support statehood (the ballot question was: “Shall Hawaii immediately be admitted into the Union as a state?”), and on August 21, 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation making Hawaii the 50th state.  Above: Statehood Day was the talk of the town  (photo: star-advertiser.com)

Aloha Neighbor,

Today we celebrate the 61st birthday of the State of Hawaii. Congratulations! We fought hard to become the 50th so we could vote.  From 94% turnout in 1959 to 51% today…we are moving but need to do better.

We had over 407,000 people cast ballots in the first all mail-in election. Turnout for the 2020 primary increased by 17% with 150,000 new voters!  Maybe it was because we were all at home or we wanted change or just wanted to get more involved in our government. Whatever the reason, don’t let up.  Make sure you vote again in the general election on Tuesday, November 3.

If you are registered, your ballots will be in your mailboxes around Oct. 16.  Because of potential mail delivery delays (Hawaii is one of 46 states that USPS warned cannot be guaranteed that ballots will arrive in time to be counted), the elections office urges everyone to get ballots into that mailbox a week ahead of the Nov. 3 General Election to make sure your votes are counted.

  • VERIFY YOUR REGISTRATION ONLINE:   Have these ready: Hawaii Driver License or Hawaii State ID and Social Security Number.  Or Call: 808-453-VOTE (8683).  Provide name, address, and date of birth.
  • VOTE: Drop-off boxes and voter service centers will open October 20 and remain up to 7 p.m. on Election Day. Find the locations here.

Gov. David Ige yesterday signed the 12th supplemental proclamation extending the COVID-19 emergency period through Sept. 30. We are still in the “Act with Care” zone so practice safe practices like wearing a face covering, social distancing, washing hands frequently and staying home if sick. The emergency proclamation leaves in place the moratorium on evictions, the 14-day mandatory quarantine requirement for out-of-state travelers and the inter-island travel quarantine only for travelers arriving in the counties of Kauai, Hawaii, Maui and Kalawao (Kalaupapa). It allows counties to establish an Enhanced Movement Quarantine (EMQ) through agreements with resort or hotel facilities that have clearly defined geographical areas to ensure that travelers stay within the “bubble” with limited contact to those not subject to the quarantine. It’s a growing list of restrictions. To see the details visit: twelfth supplementary emergency proclamation . The counties also have their own orders that they can establish if approved by the Governor.  Here’s the latest from Mayor Kirk Caldwell in his August 19 “Act Now Honolulu-Social Gatherings” emergency order.  If you have questions on the city’s order you may want to check out: https://www.oneoahu.org/faqs. You can also call 768-CITY or email covidresponse@honolulu.gov. Very confusing indeed and could be clearer and more helpful for those trying hard to follow the rules.

The committee met yesterday to hear updates from the Incident Commander on the concerns raised by many on the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and Hawaii National Guard support during the pandemic; the status of telework and support for the departments, particularly the health department; and the Department of Education on its preparedness for opening the schools. Highlights of interest below:

  • Major General Ken Hara has readied the Hawaii National Guard medical staff to assist when needed, including finding an alternative hospital should increased capacity be needed. Federal relief funds of $100 million were finally released and can now be used to purchase PPE for statewide distribution. The good news is that $61 million has been allocated to: hospitals ($24 million), allied medical providers ($8 million), child care ($4 million), elder care ($4 million), small businesses ($7 million), non-profits ($4 million), DOE ($4 million), UH ($4 million), and warehousing distribution ($2 million).  Agencies can apply for PPE at a newly-created website. To learn more go to https://hawaii-medical-alliance.myshopify.com
  • Department of Human Resources Development Director Ryker Wada was asked to check in with departments on their implementation of the state’s telework policy and workplace safety and health; and to assist the DOH on its investigation and contact tracing staffing.
  • Department of Education Superintendent Christina Kishimoto reported that students will begin distance learning on Monday, August 24; and will continue for a minimum of four weeks and potentially for the entire quarter.  Students have been provided with devices, but if they are not connected, they can be served on campus at set times or request connectivity accommodations from the principal.  Children with a mandated service that cannot learn remotely will have set schedules for entering the campus for their services.  For more details on the hearing, see the notes posted at here when available.

COVID-19 TESTING ON SUNDAY: Kakaako Waterfront Park
Drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing will again be offered at Kakaako Waterfront Park on Sunday, August 23 from 8am- 2pm. Premier Medical Group will be conducting PCR (nose swab) tests.  Same drill: if you have medical insurance, bring proof of insurance; if you don’t, the test (if you are determined to need one), is free.  For more information, contact Premier Medical Group Hawaii, at (808) 304-8816 or (808) 367-6020.

Take care & stay safe!