Legislature reconvenes to address COVID

Aloha Neighbor,

Today (Monday) the Legislature reconvened and will be meeting until July 10 to address a number of bills and resolutions on COVID and other important issues. High priority is the allocation of $635 million in federal CARES Act funds. During the short recess since May 21, we have been assessing needs and, where greatest, have included in a plan to allocate funds to cover the following for the most needy:

  • $230 million for a State-enhanced weekly benefit of $100/week to unemployment insurance recipients after the $600/week federal benefit runs out at the end of July;
  • $100 million in rental assistance for up to $500/month
  • $15 million in grants for local companies to create a supply chain for cleaning supplies, disinfectants and personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • $100 million to help schools, child and elder care facilities, hospitals, and small businesses to get PPE and other protective supplies
  • $90 million for thermal screening, security protocols, testing, and traveler verification at airports
  • $36 million for workforce development and rebooting the economy
  • Other appropriations include help for childcare, counseling for high school seniors, food assistance for keiki and kupuna, relief for the commercial fishing industry, and other emergency needs, including unemployment insurance

The new legislative timetable is available here.  Due to the pandemic, the State Capitol building will remain closed to the public but we encourage participation by submitting written testimony.  Live streams of all Senate hearings and floor sessions will be available on YouTube and/or ‘Ōlelo. A list of upcoming and archived Senate hearings is available here.  To submit testimony, please click here.

2020 CENSUS: Don’t You Want To Be Counted?  If you haven’t filled out your U.S. Census survey, someone will be knocking on your door–but with every good intention, and safe-distancing measure in mind. Applaud the census taker whose job is an epic one —  making sure every person in the state gets counted so we can get our fair share of the federal funding (like the relief funds coming our way) for key public services like food stamps, school meals, child-and-senior care, unemployment benefits, housing, small business loans & grants, and the list goes on here. Here’s more you should know about the US Census:

Due to COVID-19, the City is offering a real property tax credit to property owners who meet certain eligibility requirements. The application deadline is September 30. First-time applicants can obtain the tax credit application by calling the Tax Credit Office at 768-3205.  Applications can be obtained online here.

For driver’s licenses and state IDs with expiration dates in March, April, May, June and July of this year, the appointment hotline is now open: (808) 768-4177. For the latest updates about the AlohaQ appointment system, click here.

Take care and stay healthy!