There has been talk about the state reopening as our numbers are low; but many others, including the state’s health director, advise caution. Although we are on a downward trajectory – a total of 4 new cases and 596 total positive cases among the 26,640 cases tested since February 28. Of the positive cases, 11% have required hospitalization, and over 80% were residents returning from other areas.
DOH gives data and a map of where cases are located on their website. The health director and the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HiEMA) medical lead told us numbers are not enough; we need to make sure we have the health and medical system, with PPE, ventilators and beds, at the ready should there be a surge in cases. The senate committee is asking the administration to provide a plan and the data we need to know when and what to reopen.
The data show that all of us working together in new norms of social distancing –as difficult as they are — are making a difference. But, we need to do more. Before we can reopen businesses, before many of us can go back to work, we need that curve to turn into a horizontal flat line! Testing, contact tracing, and social distancing, including masking up, are key. Some of this may be the new norm for months to come (until we are all immune or find a vaccine).
The Senate Committee asked the State Department of Health and HIEMA to communicate their joint efforts more effectively so we can all be a part of the solution. Today (Friday) the committee hears from the Governor’s economic recovery lead Alan Oshima and calls back the health department and the state epidemiologist Sarah Park to tell us how they are gearing up with contract tracing and testing. See the agenda.
What’s happening with the air passenger quarantine? Some international airlines could resume service to Hawaii as early as May 31. The Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 expressed concern Wednesday that state government doesn’t have a plan to reopen travel. Other than the defense industry, we live off the tourism industry so of course we want it to start up. But we don’t want to go back to a big surge and open our borders without having the infrastructure in place like hospital beds and ventilators to protect our safety and our health.
Many thanks going out to our neighbors and hoteliers in Waikiki who reported the tourists who were not adhering to the 14-day mandatory quarantine. Thank you for looking out for all of us and reporting them to the Honolulu Police Department! The Department of Transportation-Airports, in partnership with the Hawaii Tourism Authority, were changing their procedures to ensure compliance with the state’s quarantine rules. For details, see KHON2 News story.
Unemployment Insurance: On Thursday the senate committee was briefed by Labor Director Scott Murakami on the department’s progress to get UI claims processed and paid to over 290,000 applicants. Over 200 state employees volunteered to help and have been trained to…
This is just one of 4 rooms at the Hawaii Convention Center gearing up to process claims and respond to calls
…process claims and respond to calls and emails in two shifts (7am-noon and 12:30-6pm). Filings and weekly/biweekly certification reports have been uploaded into a separate system so you should be able to get in sooner. While they are gearing up, the impacts of the changes will probably begin next week.
I asked the director about the following concerns that some of you raised. Below is information that I hope will help:
If you still are trying to file a new claim: keep trying– click on “For New Claims, please complete this form” at or if you cannot get in, call (833) 901-2272 or email (If you received a “congratulations” message, do not reapply. Wait until you get your username/password.
If you are trying to get in to submit your weekly/biweekly report: go to claimant services and sign in with your user name at If you have problems call (833)901-2275 or email: Keep trying as you must submit your weekly/biweekly report (answer that you are available and looked for work). Reason for needing your report is to let UI know if your work status changes, e.g. some have been called back to work when their employers received federal relief funding.
If you want to know whether your claim was accepted and what’s happening try clicking on “check your claim status” at
In any event, do not give up! The labor director said that staff at all levels are working to serve you and as fast as they can. They all know that it’s important to help get payments out as soon as they can; and that includes gig workers and independent contractors. The claim processing will go much faster if the information you input is correct; the lag in time is due to incorrect or incomplete information. If you are having problems submitting your weekly report call or email and someone will call you (be patient there may be 60,000 others in line!) but be assured they will get to you and your benefit period will start from the date of termination. So take a break and try next week but hang in there!
City Parks opening for some exercise activities. This weekend, city parks will be open for designated forms of exercise that include: running, walking, jogging, and bicycle riding. Please enjoy the fresh air, exercise, and sunshine! See the City’s press release for more details. City parks in our District include Kapiolani Park, McCully District Park, Ala Moana Regional Park, and more. For a list of parks run by the City and County of Honolulu, please visit their website.
The Senate Committee on COVID-19 convenes today (Friday) at Noon. The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo Channel 49 or online at We will hear about airport procedures for deplaning passengers from Attorney General Clare Connors, Department of Transportation-Airports Division Deputy Director Ross Higashi and Hawaii Tourism Authority CEO Chris Tatum; about contact tracing/testing procedures from Department of Health Director Bruce Anderson & Epidemiologist Sarah Park; and on the Hawaii Economic and Community Recovery & Resiliency Plan from Alan Oshima. See the agenda here.